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The first Judy Green Music catalog.

Judy Green Music was a mainstay in the music paper industry for decades. Based in central Hollywood, Judy Green supplied composers, arrangers, and students with high-quality manuscript paper, pens, pencils, and much more.

Judy Green began working as a copyist in the 1960s, and by 1980 she opened her own concern on Cahuenga Boulevard.

1634 Cahuenga Blvd., former location of Judy Green Music (January, 2020).

In addition to myriad formats of music manuscript paper, either on slick ivory paper or vellum, the company offered ink, writing instruments, reference books, standard contract forms, binding, and xerox services.

There is a robust selection of fountain pens in the catalog: Pelikan, Schaffer, and Rapidograph are well-represented.

Judy Green also offered her own music writer pencil. It is a descendent of the Alpheus Music Writer, which I’ve written about here. But also in the catalog is the Eberhard Faber Blackwing 602:

It’s interesting to note that there is an “IBM Soft Lead Pencil” on offer as well, which presumably means the IBM Electrographic.

Sadly, Judy Green passed away in 2007. Her legacy carries on however, through AllPrintUSA, from whom you can still order music paper and JG Music Writer pencils.