Where does it stop?

In a newly posted video for the “Blackwing Experience”, Justin Oberman of Obercreative.com has included one of my original photos without permission and without attribution. The video is watermarked with the “Palomino Blackwing” seal of approval in the lower right-hand corner:

From YouTube.com

You can see it here [video has been removed] If the video is taken down, I have saved a copy and will post a link. Surely Mr. Oberman won’t mind if I share his work without permission.

1. This is inexcusable and indefensible on Oberman’s part, on the Art Director’s Club part, and on California Cedar’s part. It seems David Rees is an unwitting participant. These are people who work in media, and they’ve chosen to plagiarize—there are no “oops, I should have checked” that will work here at this level. The copyright notice is clearly stated on my blog. But if it weren’t, there’s no excuse to take someone else’s work (unless you’re just hoping you won’t get caught).

2. As “artists”, I wonder how Mr. Oberman or the Art Director’s Club would feel if someone took their work without permission and attribution.

3. I know nothing of Mr. Oberman’s standing in the art community, but I’m betting plagiarism won’t put him on the fast-track to success.

Ladies and gentleman, even if you have been on the fence about recent developments, surely you can see that this is wrong and that it is a pattern. What more has to happen before something is done about this?

How is this O.K.?